As the name suggests Batman Forever is originally an Arcade Game that got ported to MSDOS, the Playstation 1 and Sega Saturn by Iguana Entertainment (Acclaim Published).
The original arcade release was for the ST-V
(Sega Titan Video Game System) arcade hardware which is what would eventually become the foundation of the32x/Sega Saturn hardware 1.
This article will cover interesting finding from both the original arcade version and the various home ports.
Before getting into the technical side of reverse engineering we will cover a few important game details so that its easier to understand the files that we are reverse engineering.
From the Sega Saturn version of the game we can find a few full source file paths:
From the Sega Saturn port of the game there are a few references to the original names for some of the compiled object files:
Name | Notes |
3dbat.obj | |
enemy.obj | |
enemyai.obj | |
eprom\anims1.obj | |
eprom\anims2.obj | |
eprom\anims3.obj | |
eprom\anims4.obj | |
eprom\anims5.obj | |
eprom\anims6.obj | |
eprom\anims7.obj | |
levels\alleya.obj | |
levels\alleyb.obj | |
levels\batcave.obj | |
levels\hotel.obj | |
levels\level1a.obj | |
levels\level1b.obj | |
levels\level1c.obj | |
levels\level1d.obj | |
levels\lowcave.obj | |
levels\lsubway.obj | |
levels\riddcont.obj | |
levels\twoface.obj | |
levels\usubway.obj | |
sound.obj |
Also from the Sega Saturn version of the game we can see what libraries were linked into the main executable:
The sega saturn version of the game has a reference to a library file created by Iguana Entertainment (the developers of the port) called c:\\igsatlib\\libiguan.lib
, it has the following symbols:
Symbol | Notes |
__SinCosP_D | |
byteMemcpy | |
DefaultHBLInterrupt | |
DMAListPtrs | |
EndOfDrawInterrupt | |
FreeDMAListPtrs | |
FuckTheSlavedd | |
ie_AddBitmap | |
ie_AddDeComp | |
ie_AddGlobalParticleBitmap | |
ie_AddGouraudPolygon | |
ie_AddGouraudSprite | |
ie_AddGouraudTexturePolygon | |
ie_AddLevelBitmap | |
ie_AddLevelParticleBitmap | |
ie_AddLinep | |
ie_AddNormalSprite | |
ie_AddPolygon | |
ie_AddPolyline | |
ie_AddScaleSprite | |
ie_AddSprite | |
ie_AddTexturePolygon | |
ie_AddToFrontPolygon_B | |
ie_AddToFrontScaleSprite | |
ie_AddToFrontTexturePolygon | |
ie_AddToList | |
ie_AllocateBitmap | |
ie_AppendNode | |
ie_ChecksumBattery | |
ie_ClearVDP1CmdLists | |
ie_CopyDMA | |
ie_CopyVDP1CmdListh | |
ie_CopyVDP1CmdListhie_AddLevelBitmap | |
ie_DecodePad | |
ie_DeleteFromList | |
ie_EmptyDMAList | |
ie_FlushDeCompList | |
ie_FlushDMAList | |
ie_InitHardware | |
ie_InitializeBitmapList | |
ie_InitializeBookKeepingVars | |
ie_InitializeDeComp | |
ie_InitializeDMA | |
ie_InitializeEngine | |
ie_InitializeList | |
ie_InitInterrupts | |
ie_InitSound | |
ie_InitVDP1CmdList | |
ie_InsertAfter | |
ie_InsertBeforeiddH | |
ie_LoadFromBattery | |
ie_ParallelOut | |
ie_PlaySound | |
ie_PrependNode | |
ie_Random | |
ie_RandomRange | |
ie_RandomRange32 | |
ie_RandomUnsignedRange | |
ie_ReadCreditStatus | |
ie_RemoveNode | |
ie_RequestStart5 | |
ie_ResetSystemClipping | |
ie_ResetUserClipping | |
ie_ReturnPlayerCreditStatusl_B | |
ie_SaveToBattery | |
ie_SetBatteryChecksumB | |
ie_SetStartContinue | |
ie_SetSystemClippingob | |
ie_SetupSlaveList | |
ie_SetUser | |
ie_UpdateBookKeeping | |
ie_WaitVBL | |
InitDMA | |
InitializeListd | |
LongCopyobL | |
longMemcpy | |
ProductAP_ | |
SetupHBL | |
SlaveDecomp | |
SMPA_SwInit | |
uncrunchtbl | |
UpdatePlayerBookKeepingz | |
VBLInInterrupt | V-Blank Interrupt |
VBLInUserFunction | |
VBLOutInterruptAP_ | |
VBLOutUserFunctiond | |
wordMemcpy | |
ie_DecodeRLE |
Address | Symbol | Notes |
060FC770 | FEATHER2_Stats | |
060FC7CC | FEATHER2_AIScript | |
060FC7F8 | FEATHER2_InfoTable | |
060FC808 | FEATHER3_ComboSet1 | |
060FC818 | FEATHER3_ComboSet2 | |
060FC828 | FEATHER3_ComboSet3 | |
060FC838 | FEATHER3_ComboSet4 | |
060FC848 | FEATHER3_ComboSet5 | |
060FC858 | FEATHER3_ComboSet6 | |
060FC868 | FEATHER3_ComboSet7 | |
060FC878 | FEATHER3_Stats | |
060FC8D4 | FEATHER3_AIScript | |
060FC928 | FEATHER3_InfoTable | |
060FC938 | FeatherBoundBoxes | |
060FC954 | FeatherModeTable | |
060FCC94 | GuesserBitList | |
060FCD44 | ExplodeGuesserOffsetScript | |
060FCD78 | GuesserHeadBox | |
060FD014 | FeatherAngles | |
060FD02C | FeatherAttackBox | |
060F8??? | SabSetupPUNCHA | |
060F871E | SabSetupPUNCHB | |
060F8728 | SugarSetupEXITKISS | |
060F8728 | SabCodePUNCH | |
060F8732 | SugarCodeEXITKISS | |
060F873C | TassleHitPlayer | |
060F8750 | SugarHitPlayer | |
060F875C | SabSetupTHROWBOMBWAIT | |
060F876C | TwoFaceSetupCOMBO | |
060F87C8 | TwoFaceEvilSetupSHOOTGUN | |
060F87E4 | SabCodeTHROWBOMBWAIT | |
060F880C | SabSetupTHROWBOMB | |
060F8838 | SabCodeTHROWBOMB | |
060F883C | TwoFaceEvilCodeSHOOTGUN | |
060F88E8 | TwoFaceEvilSetupEXITSHOOTGUN | |
060F88F2 | TwoFaceEvilCodeEXITSHOOTGUN | |
060F890C | EnemyFire_DrawLips | |
060F8910 | TwoFaceEvilSetupVERTKNIFESLASH | |
060F8924 | EnemyFire_UpdateLips | |
060F8940 | TwoFaceEvilCodeVERTKNIFESLASH | |
060F89BC | TASSLE_C1_PunchA | |
060F89C6 | TASSLE_C1_PunchB | |
060F89D0 | TASSLE_C1_KickA | |
060F89D8 | SabSetupPLACEBOMB | |
060F89DA | TASSLE_C1_JumpKick | |
060F89E4 | TASSLE_C1_SpinKick | |
060F89EE | TASSLE_C2_DoublePunch | |
060F89F8 | TASSLE_C2_PunchAThenB | |
060F8A04 | TASSLE_C2_DoubleKick | |
060F8A04 | SabCodePLACEBOMB | |
060F8A0E | TASSLE_C2_KickAndSpin | |
060F8A1A | TASSLE_C3_DPunchSpinKick | |
060F8A26 | TASSLE_C3_DPunchAndKick | |
060F8A32 | TASSLE_C3_DKickSpin | |
060F8A40 | TASSLE_C3_DKickJump | |
060F8A4E | TASSLE_C3_JagoJump | |
060F8A54 | TwoFaceEvilSetupHORIZKNIFESLASH | |
060F8A5C | TASSLE_C4_DDPunch | |
060F8A68 | TASSLE_C4_PunchEnd | |
060F8A76 | TASSLE_C4_SpinKicks | |
060F8A84 | TwoFaceEvilCodeHORIZKNIFESLASH | |
060F8A86 | TASSLE_C4_JumpKickEnd | |
060F8A96 | TASSLE_C5_SpinPunchEnd | |
060F8AA4 | TASSLE_C5_JumpKickEnd | |
060F8AB6 | TASSLE_C6_MadPunch | |
060F8ACA | TASSLE_C6_SpinKicksCity | |
060F8ADA | TASSLE_C10_NeillsCombo | |
060F8AF2 | TASSLE_SFX_BatmanBlockRetal | |
060F8B04 | TASSLE_SFX_RobinBlockRetal | |
060F8B16 | TASSLE_SFX_BatmanTaunt | |
060F8B34 | TASSLE_SFX_RobinTaunt | |
060F8B52 | TASSLE_SFX_EndOfBeingComboedByBatman | |
060F8B6A | TASSLE_SFX_EndOfBeingComboedByRobin | |
060F8B82 | TASSLE_SFX_EndOfComboingPlayer | |
060F8B94 | Tassle1FxPalette | |
060F8B98 | TwoFaceGoodSetupDOUBLEGUNSHOOT | |
060F8BA4 | Tassle2FxPalette | |
060F8BB4 | TassleSetupTable | |
060F8BE8 | TASSLE_Combo1 | |
060F8BF6 | TASSLE_Combo2 | |
060F8C0C | TwoFaceGoodCodeDOUBLEGUNSHOOT | |
060F8C0C | TASSLE_Combo3 | |
060F8C26 | TASSLE_Combo4 | |
060F8C3E | TASSLE_Combo5 | |
060F8C5C | TASSLE_ComboSet1 | |
060F8C68 | SabHitPlayer | |
060F8C6C | TASSLE_ComboSet2 | |
060F8C7C | TASSLE_ComboSet3 | |
060F8C8C | TASSLE_ComboSet4 | |
060F8C9C | TASSLE_ComboSet5 | |
060F8CA8 | EnemyFire_LipsHitPlayer | |
060F8CAC | TASSLE1_Stats | |
060F8CE0 | TwoFaceGoodSetupTHROWKNIFE | |
060F8D08 | TASSLE1_AIScript | |
060F8D34 | TwoFaceGoodCodeTHROWKNIFE | |
060F8D50 | StartLips | |
060F8D60 | TASSLE1_InfoTable | |
060F8D70 | TASSLE2_Combo1 | |
060F8D7E | TASSLE2_Combo2 | |
060F8D94 | TASSLE2_Combo3 | |
060F8DAE | TASSLE2_Combo4 | |
060F8DB4 | TwoFaceGoodSetupKNIFELUNGE | |
060F8DC6 | TASSLE2_Combo5 | |
060F8DE4 | TwoFaceGoodCodeKNIFELUNGE | |
060F8DE4 | TASSLE2_ComboSet1 | |
060F8DF4 | TASSLE2_ComboSet2 | |
060F8E04 | TASSLE2_ComboSet3 | |
060F8E14 | TASSLE2_ComboSet4 | |
060F8E24 | TASSLE2_ComboSet5 | |
060F8E34 | TASSLE2_Stats | |
060F8E74 | SAB_C1_PunchAndRoundHouse | |
060F8E90 | TASSLE2_AIScript | |
060F8E90 | SAB_C1_PunchA | |
060F8E9A | SAB_C1_PunchB | |
060F8EA4 | SAB_C1_ThrowBomb | |
060F8EAE | SAB_C1_PlaceBomb | |
060F8EB8 | SAB_C1_TripleRoundHouse | |
060F8EC2 | SAB_C2_Punches | |
060F8ECE | SAB_C3_Punches | |
060F8EDC | SAB_C4_Punches | |
060F8EE8 | TASSLE2_InfoTable | |
060F8EEC | SAB_C5_Punches | |
060F8EF8 | TwoFaceHitPlayer | |
060F8EF8 | TassleBoundBoxes | |
060F8EFE | SAB_C6_Punches | |
060F8F12 | SAB_SFX_BlockRetal | |
060F8F14 | TassleModeTable | |
060F8F2C | Sab1FxPalette | |
060F8F3C | Sab2FxPalette | |
060F8F4C | Sab3FxPalette | |
060F8F5C | SabSetupTable | |
060F8F60 | SugarBlkPrpFxPalette | |
060F8F70 | SugarBlkRdPrpFxPalette | |
060F8F80 | SugarBluBlkFxPalette | |
060F8F90 | SugarChrmPrpFxPalette | |
060F8F90 | SAB1_ComboSet2 | |
060F8FA0 | SugarGrnYloFxPalette | |
060F8FA0 | SAB1_ComboSet3 | |
060F8FB0 | SugarRedBlkFxPalette | |
060F8FB0 | SAB1_ComboSet4 | |
060F8FC0 | SugarUVFxPalette | |
060F8FC0 | SAB1_ComboSet9 | |
060F8FD0 | SugarWhtRedFxPalette | |
060F8FD0 | SAB1_Stats | |
060F8FE0 | NewSugarFxPalette | |
060F8FF0 | SUGAR_C1_SingleSlap | |
060F8FFE | SUGAR_C1_MultiSlap | |
060F900C | SUGAR_C1_SpinKick | |
060F901C | SUGAR_C1_Mace | |
060F9028 | SUGAR_C1_Kiss | |
060F902C | SAB1_AIScript | |
060F9042 | SUGAR_C1_FastKiss | |
060F905A | SUGAR_SFX_BatmanBlockRetal | |
060F9060 | SAB1_InfoTable | |
060F906C | SUGAR_SFX_RobinBlockRetal | |
060F9070 | SAB2_ComboSet1 | |
060F907E | SUGAR_SFX_BatmanTaunt | |
060F9080 | SAB2_ComboSet3 | |
060F908C | SetupBazookaMissile | |
060F9090 | SAB2_ComboSet4 | |
060F9096 | SUGAR_SFX_RobinTaunt | |
060F9098 | BazookaMissileCodeFIRE | |
060F90A0 | SAB2_ComboSet9 | |
060F90AE | SUGAR_SFX_EndOfBeingComboedByBatman | |
060F90B0 | SAB2_Stats | |
060F90CC | SUGAR_SFX_EndOfBeingComboedByRobin | |
060F90EA | SUGAR_SFX_EndOfComboingBatman | |
060F9102 | SUGAR_SFX_EndOfComboingRobin | |
060F910C | SAB2_AIScript | |
060F911C | SugarSetupTable | |
060F9150 | SUGAR1_ComboSet1 | |
060F9154 | SAB2_InfoTable | |
060F9160 | SUGAR1_ComboSet2 | |
060F9164 | SAB3_ComboSet1 | |
060F9170 | SUGAR1_Stats | |
060F9174 | SAB3_ComboSet2 | |
060F9184 | SAB3_ComboSet3 | |
060F9194 | SAB3_ComboSet4 | |
060F91A4 | SAB3_ComboSet9 | |
060F91B4 | SAB3_Stats | |
060F91CC | SUGAR1_AIScript | |
060F91D0 | SubwayTwoFacePosition | |
060F91E4 | SUGAR1_InfoTable | |
060F91F4 | SUGAR2_ComboSet1 | |
060F9204 | SUGAR2_ComboSet2 | |
060F9210 | SAB3_AIScript | |
060F9214 | SUGAR2_ComboSet3 | |
060F9218 | SetupSubwayLTwoFace | |
060F9224 | SUGAR2_Stats | |
060F9248 | SetupSubwayRTwoFace | |
060F9264 | SAB3_InfoTable | |
060F9274 | SubwayTwoFaceCodeSLIDEON | |
060F9274 | SabBoundBoxes | |
060F9280 | SUGAR2_AIScript | |
060F9290 | SabModeTable | |
060F92A0 | SUGAR2_InfoTable | |
060F92B0 | SUGAR3_ComboSet1 | |
060F92B8 | SubwayTwoFaceCodeFIRE | |
060F92C0 | SUGAR3_ComboSet2 | |
060F92D0 | SUGAR3_ComboSet3 | |
060F92E0 | SUGAR3_ComboSet4 | |
060F92F0 | SUGAR3_Stats | |
060F934C | SUGAR3_AIScript | |
060F9378 | SUGAR3_InfoTable | |
060F9388 | SUGAR4_ComboSet1 | |
060F9398 | SUGAR4_ComboSet2 | |
060F93A8 | SUGAR4_ComboSet3 | |
060F93B8 | SUGAR4_ComboSet4 | |
060F93C8 | SUGAR4_ComboSet5 | |
060F93D8 | SUGAR4_ComboSet6 | |
060F93E8 | SUGAR4_Stats | |
060F9418 | SubwayTwoFaceCodeLAUGH | |
060F9444 | SUGAR4_AIScript | |
060F9454 | SubwayTwoFaceCodeEXITLAUGH | |
060F947C | SubwayTwoFaceCodeSLIDEOFF | |
060F947C | SUGAR4_InfoTable | |
060F948C | SugarBoundBoxes | |
060F94A8 | SugarModeTable | |
060F94BC | SubwayTwoFaceCodeFALL | |
060F94EC | TwoFace1FxPalette | |
060F94FC | TwoFaceFlinchSounds | |
060F9508 | TwoFaceSetupTable | |
060F953C | TWOFACE_C_GunAttack | |
060F9558 | TWOFACE_C_KnifeAttack | |
060F958C | TWOFACE_ComboSet1 | |
060F959C | TWOFACE_ComboSet2 | |
060F95AC | TWOFACE_SFX_Taunt | |
060F95C4 | TWOFACE_SFX_EndOfComboingPlayers | |
060F95E4 | TWOFACE_Stats | |
060F9640 | TWOFACE_AIScript | |
060F965C | TWOFACE_InfoTable | |
060F966C | TwoFaceBoundBoxes | |
060F9688 | TwoFaceEvilModeTable | |
060F9A78 | LipsAttackBox | |
060F9D18 | TwoFaceGoodModeTable | |
060FA3A8 | BazookaMissileFIREFrame | |
060FA3C0 | BazookaMissileModeTable | |
060FA3D0 | SubwayTwoFaceBoundBoxes | |
060FA3EC | SubwayTwoFaceSLIDEONFrame | |
060FA404 | SubwayTwoFaceFIREFrame | |
060FA4A0 | SubwayTwoFaceLAUGHFrame | |
060FA4F4 | SubwayTwoFaceEXITLAUGHFrame | |
060FA524 | SubwayTwoFaceSLIDEOFFFrame | |
060FA53C | SubwayTwoFaceFALLFrame | |
060FA5B4 | SubwayTwoFaceModeTable | |
060FA618 | GuesserFlinchFunction | |
060FA618 | FeatherFlinchFunction | |
060FA618 | AlthugFlinchFunction | |
060FA620 | SetupAlthug | |
060FA620 | DrawFeather | |
060FA628 | UpdateGuesser | |
060FA62C | AlThugSetupBLOCK | |
060FA64C | DrawAlthugChain | |
060FA654 | ClipFeather | |
060FA664 | FeatherBlockLoFunction | |
060FA694 | UpdateFeather | |
060FA6E0 | AnimateFeather | |
060FA744 | SetupFeather | |
060FA770 | DrawGuesser | |
060FA7EC | FeatherCheckForBlock | |
060FA8CC | FeatherSetupTOBLOCK | |
060FA90C | FeatherCodeTOBLOCK | |
060FA928 | FeatherSetupBLOCK | |
060FA932 | FeatherCodeBLOCK | |
060FA94E | FeatherSetupGETUP | |
060FA96C | FeatherSetupTHROWFEATHERS | |
060FA9A4 | DrawAlthugChainToPlayer | |
060FAA00 | FeatherCodeTHROWFEATHERS | |
060FAA4C | AnimateGuesser | |
060FAAA4 | SetupGuesser | |
060FAAF4 | GuesserCodeWALK | |
060FAAF8 | DrawAlthug | |
060FAB50 | GuesserCodeFLINCH | |
060FAB64 | GuesserHitByPlayerOnGrapple | |
060FAB98 | GuesserCodeEXPLODE | |
060FABBE | UpdateGuesserParticle | |
060FAC10 | FeatherSetupTOSPINSTICKIDLE | |
060FACA0 | FeatherSetupSPINSTICKIDLE | |
060FACB4 | DrawPulledAlthug | |
060FACD8 | FeatherCodeSPINSTICKIDLE | |
060FACF8 | FeatherCodeEXITSPINSTICK | |
060FAD1C | GuesserSetupEXPLODE | |
060FAD20 | FeatherSetupTOLAUNCHSTICK | |
060FAD50 | FeatherCodeLAUNCHSPINSTICK | |
060FAD70 | FeatherSetupLAUNCHSTICK | |
060FAD7A | FeatherCodeLAUNCHSTICK | |
060FADA0 | FeatherSetupGETSTICKBACK | |
060FADC4 | FeatherCodeGETSTICKBACK | |
060FADE0 | FeatherSetupHANDSLAP | |
060FADEC | AlThugSetupPUNCHA | |
060FADF6 | AlThugCodePUNCHA | |
060FAE04 | FeatherCodeHANDSLAP | |
060FAE14 | AlThugSetupHEADBUTT | |
060FAE24 | AlThugCodeHEADBUTT | |
060FAE70 | FeatherSetupSLIDESLAP | |
060FAE8C | AlThugSetupKICKA | |
060FAE96 | AlThugCodeKICKA | |
060FAE9C | FeatherCodeSLIDESLAP | |
060FAEB4 | AlThugSetupDSPINKICK | |
060FAEDC | AlThugCodeDSPINKICK | |
060FAF54 | AlThugSetupTOCHAIN | |
060FAFC8 | GuesserSetupLAUNCHFIST | |
060FAFCC | FeatherSetupEXITSLIDESLAP | |
060FAFF0 | FeatherCodeEXITSLIDESLAP | |
060FB00C | FeatherSetupELBOWSLAM | |
060FB014 | GuesserSetupELECLAUNCHFIST | |
060FB030 | GuesserSetupGRABLAUNCHFIST | |
060FB030 | FeatherCodeELBOWSLAM | |
060FB04C | GuesserCodeLAUNCHFIST | |
060FB04C | FeatherSetupELBOWSLAMFLY | |
060FB064 | AlThugCodeSWINGCHAIN | |
060FB070 | GuesserSetupFIREFISTOUT | |
060FB086 | GuesserSetupELECFIREFISTOUT | |
060FB0A0 | GuesserSetupGRABFIREFISTOUT | |
060FB0BC | GuesserCodeFIREFISTOUT | |
060FB10C | FeatherCodeELBOWSLAMFLY | |
060FB124 | GuesserCodeGETFISTBACK | |
060FB150 | FeatherSetupELBOWSLAMLAND | |
060FB1C8 | FeatherCodeELBOWSLAMLAND | |
060FB220 | GuesserSetupEXITLAUNCHFIST | |
060FB220 | AlThugSetupTHROWCHAIN | |
060FB22A | GuesserCodeEXITLAUNCHFIST | |
060FB248 | GuesserSetupELECPLAYER | |
060FB250 | FeatherSetupEXITELBOWSLAM | |
060FB25A | GuesserCodeELECPLAYER | |
060FB26C | FeatherCodeEXITELBOWSLAM | |
060FB288 | FeatherSetupSWINGSTICK | |
060FB292 | FeatherCodeSWINGSTICK | |
060FB2B0 | FeatherSetupPREPAREFLIP | |
060FB2D4 | FeatherCodePREPAREFLIP | |
060FB2F0 | FeatherSetupFLIP | |
060FB314 | AlThugCodeTHROWCHAIN | |
060FB340 | FeatherCodeFLIP | |
060FB350 | GuesserSetupPUNCHA | |
060FB360 | FeatherSetupFLIPLAND | |
060FB368 | GuesserSetupPUNCHB | |
060FB36A | FeatherCodeFLIPLAND | |
060FB380 | GuesserCodePUNCH | |
060FB388 | FeatherSetupPREPARECARJUMP | |
060FB3AC | PopGuesserHeadOff | |
060FB3AC | FeatherCodePREPARECARJUMP | |
060FB3C8 | FeatherSetupCARJUMP | |
060FB3F8 | AlThugCodeEXITCHAIN | |
060FB400 | GuesserSetupHEADPOP | |
060FB414 | AlThugSetupPLAYERPULLCHAIN | |
060FB424 | DrawGuesserHead | |
060FB428 | FeatherCodeCARJUMP | |
060FB448 | FeatherSetupCARJUMPLAND | |
060FB452 | FeatherCodeCARJUMPLAND | |
060FB454 | GuesserCodeHEADPOP | |
060FB470 | FeatherHitPlayer | |
060FB488 | AlThugCodePLAYERPULLCHAIN | |
060FB574 | GuesserSetupNOHEADIDLE | |
060FB586 | GuesserCodeNOHEADIDLE | |
060FB5A4 | AlthugGrabbedPlayerChecks | |
060FB5A8 | GuesserCodeTORNADOIN | |
060FB5C4 | GuesserSetupTORNADO | |
060FB618 | AlThugSetupRUSH |
The list of programmers credited for both the Playstaion and Saturn port of Batman is quite short:
Sadly Carl Wade passed away in 2011 at the young age of 40, a fond memory of him by his friend and co-worker Stephen Broumley was a function he added to batman called TheWholeKitAndCaboodle
when the player completed the game 2.
It just goes to show the importance of preserving the development of these games, just like all art it is an outlet for the creators to show off their unique personalities and humour.
The PS1 version has no references to “PSYQ” at all and all the file extensions are completely different, so it looks like a rewrite of the game rather than a port.
The main game executable SLES_005.25
contains 318 functions when disassembling.
Contains a few different executables:
(2677 functions) - Main game?DOS4GW.EXE
- DOS memory extenderFRONTEND.EXE
- Batman Menu? (780 functions)I.EXE
- Game InstallerNote for FrontEnd.exe you need to set IDA Pro to MS-DOS executable (Not the default LinearExecutable and Pentium 4 processor). But for BM1.EXE stick to LinearExecutable.