Decompiled Retail Console Games

Edit on Github | Updated: 31st May 2021

This post contains either decompiled or disassembled source code projects for console games that were sold at retail stores.

If you are interested to see officially released or leaked source code check out this other post:

Retail Console Game Source code (C/C++)

For the official source code check out this post.

To be included in this list the project must have decompiled or disassembled at least 10% of the course code, in order to not pollute the post with hundreds of unfinished projects. An exemption to this rule can be made for consoles with very few reversing projects.

Nintendo Systems

Nintendo systems are by far the most popular for reverse engineering projects, especially related to 1st party titles such as Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Super Nintendo (SNES)

Nintendo 64

Recently, mainly in thanks to the huge success of the Super Mario 64 project, there has been revived interest in Nintendo 64 Decompilation. While most projects are still in very early stages, there are a few that meet the criteria for this list.

Nintendo GameCube

Nintendo Wii

Name Project Type Status
Mario Kart Wii Decompilation Active, at 11%
Pokemon Battle Revolution Decompilation Inactive
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Decompilation Inactive
Super Paper Mario Decompilation Active
Super Mario Galaxy (Korean) Decompilation Progress
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Virtual Console) Decompilation Active, at 31%
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Decompilation Active, at 32%
The Sims 2: Castaway Decompilation Inactive
Wii Sports Decompilation Active
Xenoblade Chronicles Decompilation Active

Nintendo Switch

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Super Mario Odyssey

A decompilation of Super Mario Odyssey

Initial decompilation of the Nintendo switch game Super Mario Odyssey

Nintendo Handhelds

Game Boy

Name Project Type
Donkey Kong ‘94 Disassembly
Kirby’s Dream Land Disassembly
Metroid II: Return of Samus Disassembly
Mole Mania Disassembly
Pokemon Red & Blue Disassembly
Pokemon Yellow Disassembly
Super Mario Land Disassembly
Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins Disassembly
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land Disassembly
Tetris Disassembly

Game Boy Color

Name Project Type
Dragon Warrior Monsters (German) Disassembly
Looney Tunes: Carrot Crazy Disassembly
Pokemon Gold & Silver Disassembly
Pokemon Crystal Disassembly
Pokemon Pinball Disassembly
Pokemon Trading Card Game Disassembly
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge Disassembly
Wario Land 3 Disassembly
The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening DX Disassembly
The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages & Seasons Disassembly

Game Boy Advance

Nintendo DS

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Decompilation of Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

This is a decompilation of Pokémon Diamond.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Rhythm Heaven (Gold)

Nintendo 3DS

Super Mario 3D Land (EU)

Super Mario 3D Land EU Decompilation

This is a decompilation of the EU version of Super Mario 3D Land.

Sega Systems

Sega is similar to Nintendo in that most of the games that people are interested in reverse engineering are 1st party titles such as Sonic and Phantasy Star.


Knuckles Chaotix

Knuckles Chaotix

Knuckles Chaotix

Sega CD

Shining Force CD

Sega Master System

Although the Sega Master System was hugely popular in Europe, it can’t compete with the NES for number of disassembled projects created so far.

Phantasy Star

Phantasy Star Disassembly

Incomplete Phantasy Star Disassembly for Sega Master System from SonicRetro. It uses the wla-z80 assembler to build the ROM

Sonic 2 (SMS)

Sonic 2 SMS Disassembly

Sonic 2 for the Sega Master System Incomplete Disassembly from SonicRetro. It uses the wla-z80 assembler to build the ROM.

Sega Mega Drive

The Sega Mega Drive was Sega’s most popular console in terms of games developed, and as such it also seems to be the most popular for reverse engineering projects too.

Sega Game Gear (GG)

Sonic 1 (GG)

Sega Dreamcast (DC)

Sonic Adventure (DC)

Sonic Adventure (DC) Disassembly

Very early disassembly of Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast

Sega Model 2 Arcade

Sonic the Fighters

Sony Systems

Compared to the other systems, Sony doesn’t have many decompilation projects, mainly due to the higher complexity of the games developed by the PS1 era, requiring much larger teams to create the games in the first place.

PlayStation 1

PlayStation 2

Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

Decompilation project for the Fatal Frame 2 : Crimson Butterfly

Decompilation project for the Fatal Frame 2 : Crimson Butterfly game engine. Our goal is to have a fully playable port on PC and maybe on future platforms too.

Jak & Daxter 1-2

Jak Project: Reviving the language that brought us the Jak & Daxter Series

This project is to port Jak 1 (NTSC, 'black label' version) to PC. Over 98% of this game is written in GOAL, a custom Lisp language developed by Naughty Dog.

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

Decompilation of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus for the PS2

This is a work-in-progress, experimental decompilation of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus for the PlayStation 2. It is based on the NTSC-U version of the game (SCUS-971.98)

Microsoft Systems

There are only a handful of reverse engineered games for Microsoft game consoles.


Metal Gear (1987)

Fully annotated disassembly of the original Metal Gear game

This repository contains the fully annotated disassembly of the original Metal Gear game, released by Konami for MSX2 in 1987 with code RC750.


Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved Decompilation Research Project

The goal of this project is to study and create a free, open-source re-implementation of the original Xbox launch title Halo: Combat Evolved.

Xbox 360


Broken Decompiled Terraria Xbox 360 Edition source code

Since Terraria is based on XNA which is a C# library, it is possible to decompile back into C# source code. This project is still very early but has some interesting results.

PC (Windows)

Atari Systems

Atari 2600

Disassemblies of original Atari 2600 games

Various disassembled Atari 2600 games

Donkey Kong


Donkey Kong

NEC Systems


Touhou Project 1-5 (1997-1998)

The Touhou PC-98 Restoration Project

This project aims to perfectly reconstruct the source code of the first five Touhou Project games by ZUN Soft (now Team Shanghai Alice), which were originally released exclusively for the NEC PC-9801 system.

Mobile games

Mobile games are a special case that weren’t initially going to be included, but we have included a few games that are based on console games.

Java 2 Mobile Edition (J2ME)

Sonic 1 J2ME

Decompile of the 2005 mobile port of Sonic 1

A decompilation of the 2005 Java mobile port of Sonic the Hedgehog (1991). This decompilation focuses on the 240x320 resolution version, of part 1 as it uses the original game's graphics. However, there are lower resolutions that function similarily. And part 2 consists of the largest available resolution; 208x208. Part 1 was created by iFone, and 2 by Glu.


Sonic 1 & 2 Classic (2013)

Sonic Advance

A Monkey port of decompiled Java from Sonic Advance (Mobile)

Sonic GBA is a fan developed reinterpretation of decompiled Java output from the Android version of Sonic Advance.

Windows Phone

Plants vs. Zombies (2011)