Bookazines (Games Industry)

Edit on Github | Updated: 5th January 2023

What do you call a product that collects articles from monthly magazines into a single yearly publication? The publishers came up with the term “Bookazine” to cover this concept of a very large magazine related to a specific topic.

Many of these were published with topics related to the Games Industry such as 3D Modelling, Animation, Photoshop, Programming or even just Games themselves.

Programming Bookazines

Title Publisher Notes
Coding Academy 2016 Future Publishing  
Coding for Kids Scratch Dennis Publishing  
The Hackers Manual 2012 Future Publishing Contains articles from Linux Format
The Hackers Manual 2016 Future Publishing  
The Python Book Future Publishing  
The Responsive Web Design Handbook Future Publishing  
The Ultimate Guide to Web Design Future Publishing  
The Ultimate Python Coding Manual Papercut Limited  
The Web Design Annual Future Publishing  
The Web Design Book Future Publishing  
Web Design Tips, Tricks & Fixes Future Publishing  
Web Design For Beginners Future Publishing  
You can make an App Future Publishing  

Gaming Bookazines

Bookazines dedicated just to gaming also exist and can contain some articles relavent to Game Development and the history of the industry as a whole.

Title Publisher Notes
100 Games to Play before you Die Future Publishing Articles from Retro Gamer magazine
Ninteno Archives Future Publishing  
Retro Gamer Collection Future Publishing At least 7 Volumes
Retro Micro Games Action Imagine Publishing, Future Publishing At least 10 Volumes from GamesTM Retro sections
SEGA Archives Future Publishing  
SNES The Complete Manual Future Publishing  
The Atari Book Future Publishing At least 2 editions available, Articles from Retro Gamer magazine
The Book of Mario Future Publishing Articles from Retro Gamer magazine
The N64 Book Future Publishing  
The NES Book Future Publishing Articles from Retro Gamer magazine
The Playstation Book Future Publishing  
The Ultimate Guide to indie Games Future Publishing Contains articles from PC Gamer Magazine
The ZX Spectrum Book Future Publishing Articles from Retro Gamer magazine
Videogames Hardware Handbook Future Publishing Articles from Retro Gamer magazine

Retro Micro Games Action

The UK Magazine GamesTM had a section dedicated to retro games every month, while it was only a small part of the magazine it had a wealth of interesting information, especially interesting for the topic of this site is the interviews with developers. While its sister magazine Retro Gamer focussed on much earlier retro gaming, the Retro section of GamesTM would go all the way up to PS2 and even PS3!

There were 10 volumes published from 2011 until 2021.

Behind The Scenes

Game Platform Issue # Notes
Robotron: 2084 Arcade 2 Interview with Eugene Jarvis
Shadow of the Beast Amiga 2  
Xybots Arcade 2  
MDK DOS, Windows and PS1 9  
Icewind Dale   9  
System Shock 2   9  
Duke Nukem 64   9  
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force   9  
Ghostbusters 2   9  


Name Company Issue Notes
Steve Turner Graftgold co-founder 1 Apparently SEGA systems used the same assemblers as the Amiga?! Maybe custom devkit?
Raff Cecco   2 Spectrum games such as Cybernoid, Stormlord
Geoff Crammond Firebird, Microprose 2 BBC Micro titles such as Aviator, C64, AMIGA, ATARI ST and PC
David Braben Frontier Developments 2  
Ben Daglish W.E.M.U.S.I.C. 2 Musician for games such as The Last Ninja
The Pickford Brothers Zippo, Rare Manchester, Software Creations 2 Worked on Wetrix for N64, Solstice 2 for NES and many many more
David Anderson Platinum Productions 2 Worked on tons of Spectrum conversions!
Tom Kalinske CEO SEGA of America 9  
Jas Austin   9  
Ninh Le   9  
Dave Grossman   9  
Stuart Copeland   9  

Tom Kalinske Interview

One of the most interesting interviews is with former SEGA of America CEO Tom Kalinske who was in charge when EA reverse-engineered the Sega Mega Drive. He was furious and famously said:

“Trip [Hawkins], didn’t your mother ever teach you the difference between right and wrong?”

This may have got the meeting off to a rough start but in the end SEGA got John Madden football and EA got favoured licensing rights.

Pickford Brothers Interview

The interview with the Pickford Brothers was also facinating and mentioned that they were one of the first studios to get NES development kits outside of Japan and one of the first Game Boy developers outside of Japan. I wonder which development kits they were given for NES and Game Boy… it would have been great to ask them more details about the development kits.

They also managed to play around with one of the first SNES development kits in Europe when they worked at Software Creations. It would have been great to ask them what they remember about these development kits!

Digital Art Bookazines

Title Publisher Notes
3D Art & Design Imagine Publishing From the makers of 3D Artist, 2010-2011, replaced by “The 3D Art & Design Book”
Flash Essentials Future Publishing Articles from .net magazine
Get Started in 3D Future Publishing Articles from 3D World magazine (2014-2021)
Illustrate with Photoshop Genius Guide Future Publishing At least 6 editions
ImagineFX Annual Future Publishing  
The 3D Art & Design Annual Imagine Publishing & Future Publishing (from 2017) From the makers of: 3D Artist, 6 known volumes available
The 3D Art & Design Book Imagine Publishing From 2012 to 2014) it replaces 3D “Art & Design” and is further replaced by “The 3D Art & Design Annual”
The Sci-fi & Fantasy Art Book Future Publishing at least 4 editions published
The Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design Dennis Publishing contains articles from MacUser magazine

Get Started in 3D (2014-2021)

First published in 2014 by Future this Bookazine has been republished at least 4 times with almost identical content. It contains 180 pages of pure content with no Advertisements, honestly if you can find a copy in your local newsagents then I would reccomend picking it up as it is well worth the money.

Contents of Get Started in 3D

The Bookazine is split into the following sections:

  • Showcase - Shows off 10 fantastic pieces of 3D Art
  • Fundamentals - 19 Articles by Mike Griggs
  • Theory - 5 Articles on theory by Denis Kozlov
  • Tutorials - 14 articles written for specific software


The table below shows the pieces features in the Bookazine along with their artists and the software used to create them.

Name of Piece Artist Name Software used
Dog Caetano Silva ZBrush, Modo, Cinema 4D, Photoshop
Hades, God Of The Underworld Elena Bespalova Maya, ZBrush, Keyshot
Deathstroke’s Revenge Alessandro Baldasseroni 3ds Max, ZBrush, Mudbox, V-Ray, Photoshop
Miyamoto Chu With His Super Car Hsun-Chun Chuang Maya, mental ray, Photoshop, After Effects
Cybernetic Organism Artemis AA 3057 Sengjoon Song Maya, Mari, Photoshop, nDo, Headus UVLayout, V-Ray
BingBing Nianzu Zhang 3ds Max 2012, ZBrush, Photoshop, mental ray, Hairfarm
Red-eyed Tree Frog Gordon Goane ZBrush, Maya, TopoGun, KeyShot, Photoshop
Baby Rock 2.0 - Alessio Rossi Alessio Rossi 3ds Max, V-Ray, Mudbox, Photoshop
Valhalla Rudolf Herczog Cinema 4D, Maxwell Render, Photoshop
The Pirate Pietro Licini Maya, ZBrush, Mudbox, Arnold, Photoshop


The Fundamentals section is a series of 19 articles all written by Mike Griggs and previously featured in the monthly 3D World Magazine, the table below lists the articles along with the original magazine they were featured in (if known).

Name Tag Line Original Issue
MODELS FOR GAME ENGINES Learn core skills with this easy introduction Issue 177 (Jan 2014)
TRIMMING POLYS Removing unnecessary polys is key for workflow Issue 169 (June 2013)
MESH SMOOTHING Smoothing is an essential basic for modellers Issue 175 (December 2013)
UV MAPS The basics of using UV maps Issue 171 (August 2013)
LEARN HOW TO USE RIGGING An essential skill for animation  
UNDERSTAND RIGID DYNAMICS Physics-based dynamics explained  
UNDERSTAND SOFT DYNAMICS Use these to create movement in your scenes  
UNDERSTAND YOUR CAMERA Create realistic viewpoints by looking down a lens Issue 179 (March 2014)
USING HDR TO LIGHT SCENES Use image-based lighting to maximum effect Issue 170 (July 2013)
HAIR AND FUR Learn how to bring hair and fur to life Issue 174 (November 2013)
GREAT CREATURE DESIGN Key steps for cracking creatures Issue 167 (April 2013)
METAL SURFACES What you need to know to render metal surfaces  
TILED TEXTURES Discover seamless textures for improved workflow Issue 166 (March 2013)
INSTANCING Control objects with intelligent cloning Issue 173 (October 2013)
URBAN ENVIRONMENTS Design realistic cities in no time Issue 178 (Feb 2014)
STUNNING SIMULATIONS Explore the features and uses of particle effects  
FLUID DYNAMICS Understand fluid dynamics systems  
SUB-SURFACE SCATTERING Create convincing interactions with this technique Issue 172 (September 2013)
MEDICAL GRAPHICS This niche world can really influence your work  


The Theory section contains an in-depth look at the theoretical concepts that make 3D graphics work, all written by Denis Kozlov.

Name Tag Line Original issue
VIRTUAL LENSES Create faultless renders with virtual lenses  
PIXEL PERSPECTIVE Think of pixels as data and not colours  
PARTICLE SYSTEMS: PART 1 Part one of two looking at particle systems  
PARTICLE SYSTEMS: PART 2 Further advice on particle systems  
DEPTH OF COLOUR The basics of colour depth of raster images  


The Tutorials section contains 14 articles written for specific software such as 3ds Max, Photoshop and ZBrush. The later editions have replaced some of the older tutorials with newer tutorials from the 3DWorld magazine, the table below contains both the older and newer content found in the first three editions.

Name Tag Line Author Original issue
ANATOMY: PART 1 Sculpting the torso Dan Crossland  
ANATOMY: PART 2 Sculpting the masses Dan Crossland  
ANATOMY: PART 3 Sculpting the muscles Dan Crossland  
ANATOMY: PART 4 Creating a master model Dan Crossland  
HANDS Detailed hands in ZBrush Titouan Olive  
UNWRAPPING UVS Master this core skill Rob Redman  
BIG SCREEN CREATURES Cinematic creatures in 10 easy steps Tyler Bolyard  
LIGHT AND TEXTURE Apply texture and light to a complex character Daniele Scerra  
RIG-READY CREATURES Get to grips with retopology tools Adam Dewhirst  
CHARACTER CONCEPTS Successful character concepts in 15 stages Dan Mason  
12 CAR RENDER TIPS Use 3ds Max and V-Ray for perfect car rendering Dave Cox Issue 170 (July 2013)
SCI-FI RACING Create futurist racing machines in 3ds Max 2015 Al Brady  
REALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS Build your own cityscape in fantastic detail (3ds max, photoshop) Anthony Eftekhari  
PHOTOSHOP TEXTURES 10 top tips for better textures in Photoshop Leigh van der Byl Issue 167 (April 2013)
Model Characters Design and Model a Video Game Character Marat “Flamm” Latypov Issue 229 (Jan 2018) ArtStation - ReY
Shoot Like You Mean It A primer of Filmn Grammer Dora R. Fitzgerald Issue 231 (March 2018)


The Questions and Answers section contains 6 of the most popular Q&A sections from the monthly magazine.

Name Tag Line Original Issue
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1 Your problems solved by our experts  
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2 More 3D problems solved  
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3 Modelling dinosaurs and more!  
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 4 Includes a mech design masterclass  
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 5 Global illumination in C4D and more  
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 6 Includes how to create realistic materials  
PORTFOLIOS The pro’s guide to building a better portfolio by Andrew Gordon  
PUT YOURSELF IN THE FRAME Follow these tips to land your dream job by Ian Dean